Again, needs your help . This time the problem is a small standard.
1. What motorcycle do I have? 2. Can I set up a good tank ? 3. Which engine should I apply ? 4. What carburetor should be at the individual engines , I have a whole box of different (amal, graetzin, bing)
The motorcycle:
Extra Tank:
Engine 01 - 32011
Engine 02 - 33711
Engine 03 - 28368
Engine 04 - 30716
I've got some other parts purchased with motorcycle: oil pumps (simplex,duplex), rear lamps (bosch, hella), exhaust pipes, carburetors.
I would like to rebuild this bike , please expert help.
Hello to Poland, . nice Bike. Should be type "Feuergeist - Block", built 1935 (corresponding frame-No. 38373). . Seat from DKW - perhaps SB 200-250, KS 200, Sport 250. should be Wittkop, simple (without sport-border). . Carburator should be: - AMAL M74/417 SL or - GRAETZIN Kf20S . Lamp BOSCH EAS 150: * with glass-Bosch, light emmission window = 150mm * with mechanical switch to deep out . Levers - looks like Awo/EMW. . The exhaust - plain flange. The springs from seat - to fail briefly. . Tank looks good - shows a separate oil / greasing -> circuit points are on the right place. . Oil-Pump: HAJOT-II-Duplex - very rare. . The tool-boxes are absend, dimensions: 21,5cm x 11,0 x 9,5cm .
Restore will be very, very hard / expensive - to think. When you really will restore, then you need a spare-parts list. Look to Fotos in Internet or standard-Forum for original. . please. Greetings - ruppr71
Standard-Motorrad 30er Jahre und über HERMES 4-Rad-Lieferwagen
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